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Joel McCreight
Technology Executive Search Consultant
As an Executive Search Consultant for FGP Technology, Joel provides hands-on, full desk recruiting and business development within the IT space. He partners with other executive search team members to identify great leaders in the technology space from senior managers and directors up to executive level VPs and C-level candidates such as CIO, CTO, CDO/CDIO. He also manages client relationships and works to grow the IT executive search business regionally and nationally.
Joel brings almost 25 years of IT experience to FGP, including 16 years of recruiting technical talent. He has worked in a variety of IT capacities, including technical consulting and systems engineering and support roles before transitioning into the staffing industry. Most recently before joining FGP, he was served as the Director of Client Services for an IT Staffing Firm, providing business development and IT recruiting support.
Interesting Facts:
If you had a million dollars to spend in a day, what would you do?
If I had to spend the money in a day, I would donate a portion and take the rest and buy some crypto currencies and other emerging technology stocks and build a nice little cabin getaway with a secret recording studio/bunker under the ground.
If you could have any other fantasy career, what would it be and why?
Perhaps acting would be fun fantasy. Music was my fantasy career as a youth, and I am very grateful I got to accomplish it full time back in the late 80s through the late 90s. I got to tour, write music, record in recording studios, and meet many people in the industry. I eventually made a living at it, performed on several tours, two of which made the top 10 Billboard Music live concert tours and was in a band that got a Grammy nomination for our work.
Is there anything you wish would come back into fashion?
Rock and Roll