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Adair Powell
HR Consultant
As a member of the HR Consulting Team, Adair works to build new business relationships and expand upon established partnerships. She is based in our Greenville office and serves clients across the Upstate of South Carolina. She works hard to facilitate client growth, helping them identify talent solutions in order to achieve long-term success. Adair also supports our outplacement services with career transition coaching, a program she experienced first-hand. She has a passion for people and loves cultivating relationships within internal teams and with clients.
Prior to joining the FGP, Adair served as a business consultant for Subway restaurants, working to increase sales and profitability for 40 locations across the Upstate. Building trust, analyzing sales, conducting trainings, and problem-solving with owners and staff helped cultivate her ability to identify the needs of her clients.
Interesting Facts:
What motivates you to work hard?
Support from people I respect motivates me, and the prospect of being able to help people and solve problems for them.
What’s your favorite travel destination, or where would you like to go?
I love the beach, particularly going to my family’s house in North Litchfield. But, there’s just something about the cooler weather and beautiful waterfalls and streams of the majestic mountains. Both of those are my close by “happy places.” I’ve traveled to various places in North America but have never made a far trip overseas. There are so many places I’d like to go; Ireland, Greece, Tahiti, just to name a few.
What did you want to be when you were small?
When I was small, I wanted to be either a veterinarian or zoologist. A funny memory of what I thought I wanted to do “when I grow up” is of being on the Mr. Knozit Show on the local news station in Columbia, SC when I was about 4 or 5 years old. Mr. Knozit (broadcaster Joe Pinner) would ask each child what they wanted to be. I anxiously awaited my turn. When he got to me, I answered that I wanted to be Wonder Woman. Mr. Knozit chuckled, but what I meant was not that I actually wanted to BE Wonder Woman, but that I wanted to be the cartoonist that drew Wonder Woman.