The Importance of Leadership Coaching
Very few amongst us are perfect, so as we make our way up the career ladder, coaching is increasingly important. Here’s why:
Staying Sane
Coaching isn’t just about reflecting on what could have gone better or how you can improve yourself. It’s about success, it’s about recognizing the value that you bring to the company, the good that you do and reminding you to celebrate achievements. It’s a reminder that all those late nights and early mornings are worth it, and although things could have always gone better, things could have gone a lot worse without you.
Improve Communication
Communication isn’t a one-way street and ensuring that what is communicated is understood correctly is the goal. Coaching will not just highlight areas of improvement, but it can also be a playground where you can practice your communication skills. Coaching will guide you through understanding different thinking styles based on your team’s composition; is the audience conceptual, are they numerical, are they verbal, are they accommodating. A great coach will help ensure your communication delivery is understood appropriately and productively.
Gain New Insights
Flexible leadership means quick, creative, and precise decision making under pressure. A great coach will open your thought patterns by asking the questions you may never have thought of, helping you to uncover deeper problems and create a plan for a better future. Coaching will help you to get out of the weeds, step back, and gain new perspective.
Be Successful
We all want to be successful, right? Reflective sessions will not only help you to intentionally recognize your areas of improvement, but they will also allow you to identify and acknowledge flaws in others. Recognizing the imperfections of your team will allow you to fill in the gaps where needed and creative a cohesive group of people that enable success. Being a great leader isn’t about you – sure, you need to do work on your own – but it’s about helping others be the best they can be and achieve greatness through your guidance.
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