Gratitude: One of FGP’s 3 G’s — #Great #Growth #Gratitude
Gratitude is a powerful tool that is often underestimated and underutilized. Both its presence and absence can have a significant impact both professionally and personally. Each year FGP decides to focus on a different theme to inspire and connect our team throughout the year. This year we have focused on “Growth and Gratitude,” knowing that we cannot grow without intentionally reflecting on our achievements and sharing our gratitude with others. Maintaining a mindset of gratitude has always been an FGP value, but by making it top of mind and being intentional, we can positively transform our team.
Why gratitude?
When it comes to business, gratitude is a key ingredient in building and maintaining a healthy culture, strong team dynamics, positive client partnerships, and maximized growth. On an individual level it fosters a perspective shift that invites sustainable confidence, an open mind, the activation of lessons learned, and the capacity to intentionally impact others.
Gratitude also puts us in a position to recognize and take advantage of opportunities in front of us. When we are thankful for what we have already, we are less apt to be weighed down by what we don’t have. And as that focus shifts, we gain clarity that allows us to see new doors opening in front of us, and the courage to step through them.
What is gratitude?
In order to put something into practice, it must first be defined. To kick off our initiative at FGP, we asked each employee to spend time reflecting on gratitude. Our goal was to dig deeper than the generic definition (no offense, Webster) and really wrap our minds around what thankfulness looks like as a lifestyle. We believe it is more than the words “thank you” or the feeling that exists momentarily when we receive something of value.
Here is what gratitude means to our people at FGP:
“Gratitude is realizing that even the opportunity to hope for the future is a gift.”
“Gratitude is a lens through which we view our circumstances…a mindset, a way of thinking. Being grateful is choosing to see the good, or the underlying meaning or purpose, for different joys and trials that we face, regardless of the outcome.”
“Gratitude is a life tool we have complete control over. It is something we can use to fight back when things seem to fall apart. We may not be able to control a lot of what happens to or around us, but we do have control over the choice to be thankful. If gratitude is used to justify happiness instead of the other way around, that happiness becomes a very hard thing to steal.”
“I believe gratitude is a choice—it is the action of thankfulness, not necessarily preceded by a feeling or glaring explanation. When things are going our way, it is easy to feel thankful, but gratitude is a conscious decision that can be made even when circumstances are tough.”
“Gratitude is giving back what I am thankful for in my own life; allowing the things I am grateful for to resonate with me and looking for ways to offer those gifts to others. This can be time, energy, money, encouragement—things I should be thankful to have any amount of.”
Gratitude is one of our three G’s at FGP and central brand pillar. It reminds us that being a good citizen runs through everything we do. Our hope in sharing this is that it may remind you of the importance to remain thankful, not just during a season, but year-round. We challenge you to find a way to remain intentional and craft ways to reflect. As a company that has been voted one of the Best Places to Work in South Carolina for many years, we know gratitude truly makes a difference in work culture and personal life.
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