Mentorship: Adding Value to Your Career Journey

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Everything we do inside and outside of work is about relationships. One of the most influential relationships in your professional life can be that of a mentor. Mentorship comes in many forms, whether that be through a coach, older relative, leader, or trusted colleague. Especially early in your career, having a mentor can be extremely impactful as you develop and grow. These relationships can be formalized through a mentorship program but can also be more informal in the workplace.  

Whether formal or informal, research on current executives shows that those who had a mentor at some point in their career are more likely to earn more money at an earlier age, are better educated, are more career-driven, and are happier with their job in the long term.  

A mentor can share first-hand knowledge and career advice. A more tenured employee can be a significant source of information throughout the early years of an employee’s career, making transitions smoother and success more attainable. Many employees who have a mentor in a specific field may continue in the same path their mentor did, leading to continued growth and commitment to that field as they gain genuine insight into the field. 

Additionally, having a mentor ensures that a mentee is provided with an ally for decision making and facing challenges. When an employee is facing a difficult situation or in need of direction with a career, having an established mentor who you can consult with gives you additional insight to make informed and well thought out decisions.  

A mentor relationship can shift perspectives and allow insight into different generations altogether for both parties involved. These relationships create opportunities to grow with each other and foster a personal connection with someone who may have different ideas and experiences than your own. This can work to break down the barriers of generational divide. 

At FGP, we understand the importance of mentorship and are excited to launch a new internal mentorship program in 2025. This program, “G.R.E.A.T. Connections”, is designed to support FGP employees through shared experience and connections with more tenured employees. Implementing this program into our workplace is a milestone in our continued success and dedication to our employee growth. We look forward to seeing the impact “G.R.E.A.T. Connections” will have on our team.  

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